Mess – stress generator

Admit it, your mood is being spoiled when everything around is somersault? This is understandable: nothing can be found, there is nowhere to turn, because of this, everything falls out of the hands and I want to escape to another planet. The mess acts on the nerves and violates spiritual balance, but this is easy to fix.

Imagine the situation: you return from work, open the door of the apartment and freeze in horror: everything is upside down, as if a bomb exploded. In a children’s mishmash of clothes, toys and books, in the sink of a mountain of dirty dishes, the table is forced by cups with dried coffee residues, and the dog froze: on the floor – a couple of broken flower pots.

Most likely, you are breathing breathing, it seems that you are on the verge of insanity. Not surprising: a mess is a trigger of stress and anxiety.

“Disorder significantly affects the attitude to home, work and itself. A cluttered house or workplace is alarming, helplessness and fatigue, ”explains the psychologist Sherry Borg Carter. – At the same time, many do not even suspect that this is the strongest source of stress. “.

Why dirt and confusion provoke stress and anxiety? Carter believes that 8 basic factors operate:

  • The mess makes us feel broken, because we are subjected to many small

    Meget ofte er kvinder interesseret i at blive hos en mand for livet, som at holde agteskabet for evigt. De, der tror, ​​at en mand kan kede en kvinde sjaldent. Annette, baseret pa formuleringen af ​​sagen, bemarkede, at mands kvaliteter er fremherskende i vores lasers natur, og forhold til mand er bygget i viagra Dette betyder, at den oprindelige karlighed gar, men ikke bliver forelsket.

    stimuli, which makes our feelings work in excess of the norm.

  • Chaos distracts attention, and we cannot focus on the important.
  • Among the devastation, it is difficult to relax both physically and emotionally.
  • The brain constantly receives signals that the work will never end.
  • We are tormented by thoughts about how to scatter this mess.
  • Due to inorganization, we feel guilty, especially if someone suddenly comes to visit.
  • Disorder interferes with productivity and creativity.
  • Chaos carries us out, because in search of the necessary things a lot of time takes and there is no place where you can calmly think about problems.

Fortunately, it’s not as difficult to cope with this as it seems at first glance.

Strategies for the fight against disorder

1. If the house is filled with rubbish, do not bring cleanliness on your own, call the whole family to the rescue. You can distribute responsibilities by entrusting each their own site. If you live alone, start with one room and, only when it is completely removed, proceed to the next.

2. Protect your space from the “invasion” of the mess, once and for all determine the place for what you constantly use. So it will be much easier and faster to find the necessary things. Try to keep less objects in sight, because they still create a feeling of chaos. Let them lie in chests of drawers, cabinets and drawers.

3. Get rid of unnecessary, useless and unloved things. You can give them to those in need or just throw them away. The main thing is that they no longer accumulate in your house. What you rarely use, keep in boxes (for example, in the garage), this will make room for objects that you need regularly.

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